Produktkod: 215756418182101080


Finns på lagret

32.67 $

*inkl. moms 20%

Uppdaterad 09.07.2024
The decorative snow white sauna stone does not meet every, and all specifications set for a premium sauna stone (unlike the olivinediabase and vulcatine stones), so the use is limited to top layer only.

Stone size less than 10cm
  • as decorative stone for all general purposes
  • for sauna stone only for top layer stone to all sauna heaters and stoves
  • 10 kg cardboard box
  • contains no harmful substancies

Directions for use of the decorative sauna stones

When used as decorative sauna stone, please note:
  • Decorative stones do not entirely meet the characteristics set for a premium sauna stones (in use they may crumble and slightly change the colour)
  • The decorative stones, used as sauna stone, may be used as a top layer stone only, max. one box/heater/stove)
  • Decorative stones are not be laid/installed in touch with any of the resistors of the sauna heater.
  • Decorative stones need to be laid/installed loosely into the heater to ensure proper airflow amongst the stones and regulators.
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