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Код 212316410082623471



Есть в наличии

2 096.33 $

*вкл. НДС 20%

Обновлено 09.07.2024
The Mondex Hiisi is the majestic king of sauna stoves, combining rough-hewn Finnish soapstone, stylish black granite and advanced technology. The award-winning soapstone stove warms up across its entire surface, delivering humid and oxygen-rich heat time and time again.

The soapstone stove is a wall-mounted floor stove. Because it requires no rear safety distance, it can be installed right to a panel wall if required, saving more space for the benches.

The external control unit can be installed in the sauna, in the changing room or even into a light switch socket. Smart control electronics heat up the sauna efficiently and save energy. The control unit adapts to your sauna on the first use and learns to maintain temperature in the optimal way. The small, low-profile temperature sensor measures the temperature on the bench wall, ensuring just the right temperature every time you step in to enjoy the incredible heat of your sauna.

  • The Hiisi is mounted directly against the wall; no rear safety distance is required.
  • External control unit
  • The stove can also be flush-mounted into the bench structure using a mounting flange.
  • The heat of the soapstone stove is always humid and soft, even in longer sessions.
  • An optional LED kit that produces a fan-like light effect on the wall is also available.
  • Control unit cable length is 10 metres; temperature sensor cable length is 4 metres.
Технические данные электрической каменки
Название характеристик Данные
Код товара 58662
Мощность, кВт 6,6
Мин - макс. объем парильни, м3 5 - 9
Размеры (ВхШхГ),мм 860 / 420 / 300
Масса, кг 15
Максимальный вес камней, (кг) 65
Минимальное расстояние безопасности (потолок / стороны) 920 / 50
Тип электропитания: фазный 400 V 3N~
Предохранитель A 3 x 10
Соединительный кабель, (мм2) 5 x 1,5
Пульт управления Оснащён
Вместимость воды в баке, (л) -
Камни Камни не включены

Камни не включены - камни для печки

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